Month: April 2012

Root Rot ( Description)

This world is not are home. If we do not reminder are selves of this we can easily become rooted in this world, caught up in the business of life. This is not bad but it will wear on us ,slowly drain the life from us, it will cage us in. The only place we can find true LIFE is if we are rooted in Christ.


I will be making some changes on how my blog looks and runs, so I won’t be posting anything new for bit but keep check back to see how things are looking.

The Great Sea Serpent of Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My remastering of ” The Great Wave of Kanagawa”
The ocean boiling and spraying the Gold Sea Serpent rises from the deep. Who will defeat this mighty beast of old? A Tea Drinking Ninja of course. This piece was part of a challenge I am doing with a friend, the challenge being art that is inspired by music. The insperation for this piece came from “Kodo” by the Yoshida Brothers. Enjoy! Please comment and rate.

Please do not Copy any art work they are Under artist copyright (C)